Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Utility Queries 01


Idle process with open transaction

select spid,kpid,blocked,status,cmd,open_tran,dbid,
datediff(s,last_batch,getdate()) as idle_secs,waittype,lastwaittype,waitresource,
from sys.sysprocesses
where status = 'sleeping' and open_tran > 0

Transaction Running in the current session
select * fromsys.dm_tran_current_transaction

--Number of threads used

select count(*) as 'Number of threads'

from sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks
where wait_type <> 'THREADPOOL';

Check whether a DAC is in use by running
the following query. If there is an active DAC,
the query will return the server process id (spid)
for the DAC; otherwise, it will return no rows.

select t2.session_id
from sys.tcp_endpoints as t1
join sys.dm_exec_sessions as t2
on t1.endpoint_id = t2.endpoint_id
where t1.name='Dedicated Admin Connection';

protocol used for the current connection:
select net_transport
from sys.dm_exec_connections
where session_id = @@spid;


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